One-Pass Signature Packet, new CTB, 13 bytes
    Version: 3
    Type: Binary
    Pk algo: RSA
    Hash algo: SHA256
    Issuer: D03F6F865226FE8B
    Last: true
One-Pass Signature Packet, new CTB, 13 bytes
    Version: 3
    Type: Binary
    Pk algo: EdDSA
    Hash algo: SHA512
    Issuer: 0935E20FDC99D986
    Last: true
Literal Data Packet, new CTB, 20 bytes
    Format: Binary data
    Content: "Hello, world!\n"
Signature Packet, new CTB, 117 bytes
    Version: 4
    Type: Binary
    Pk algo: EdDSA
    Hash algo: SHA512
    Hashed area:
      Signature creation time: 2019-02-27 13:48:34 UTC (critical)
      Issuer Fingerprint: 8DE64CAD1758FC194560CF590935E20FDC99D986
      Issuer: 0935E20FDC99D986
    Digest prefix: B902
    Level: 0 (signature over data)
Signature Packet, new CTB, 307 bytes
    Version: 4
    Type: Binary
    Pk algo: RSA
    Hash algo: SHA256
    Hashed area:
      Signature creation time: 2019-09-29 12:36:15 UTC (critical)
      Issuer Fingerprint: 3E8877C877274692975189F5D03F6F865226FE8B
      Issuer: D03F6F865226FE8B
    Digest prefix: 10D5
    Level: 1 (notarization over signatures level 0 and data) v0.1.0 built from 3a1d975

Powered by Sequoia-PGP v1.18.0

and Nettle 3.9 (Cv448: true, OCB: true)